Dance Sheba - Amutat Ganat NGO
Who are we Amutat Ganat NGO?
read all about us and our exciting programs - click to Amutat Ganat NGO website
“I want to continue to dance because it’s how I express myself. When I dance, I feel free and comfortable. I feel whole.”
What is Dance Sheba?
The Sheba Dance project integrates girls of Ethiopian descent, who have been referred by municipal social services representatives, into professional dance classes with the aim of improving their self-esteem and encouraging social interaction with peers that they may not have met otherwise. We have found that these interactions empower the girls personally and socially in a formative period that will influence the rest of their lives.
Why Dance?
Social hierarchy changes and is redefined in a dance studio. Socioeconomics, race, formal education, and verbal/language skills are no longer an issue—it's all about personal ability. Body work raises self-value. Dance develops creativity and enhances concentration. Through dance, we instill values of determination, perseverance, and teamwork, as well as methods for dealing with frustration and challenge. The applause that the girls receive, standing on stage after months of work in the studio, follows them in all that they do.
“When I dance I feel real.”
What have we done so far?
The Sheba Dance program launched in summer 2013 with the help and support of Ms. Ruth Mason. Participants were identified by the local social services agency and outreach at community centers and schools in the area. An open class was held for all candidates and their parents. We expected 10 girls to show interest and so reserved this number of spaces in our summer programs. Thirty-two girls came! We decided to do everything in our power to include all of them and through private Studio6 donors we were successful. We were on our way with 20 girls and 2 boys!
With Headstart help, we were able to integrate 22 dancers from distressed areas into our 2014-15 activity. In addition to the planned group activities, we worked with a social worker, a social services community worker, and a Studio6 volunteer to hold personal meetings with the participants and their parents and integrate them into other dance classes and groups.
“I am enjoying this so much. It’s my dream to be able to continue. I hope you will help me to realize my dream.”
Participation in the classes required discipline, perseverance, and the development of stamina. Through bodywork, the girls also strengthened their psyches. They learned to stand up with strength, purpose, and confidence They began to believe in their own abilities. Their perseverance and ongoing work enabled them to realize both short and long-term goals.
We still have a way to go but hope that we will be able to work with these girls for another year. With the help of your donation we will be able to open another year of activity and hopefully double the amount of participants who can benefit from all that this program has to offer.
…all new friends will be invited to celebrate with us at our 2016 yearend recital!
Yael would be happy to answer any questions at: 077-7866630
Thank you!